

The Inside Story — Being an Intern at Vivayic

Written by Emily Kueker
On occasion, we turn the interns loose on social media. In this article, we asked two of them to share insights on their time with us. Enjoy!

The Inside Story Being an Intern at VivayicSierra and Taylor: Being an intern at Vivayic is awesome! Why? Because it is not a basic job. Many times, when people think of an intern, they think of someone who is limited to doing very small tasks in order to gain work experience. While this may be a little bit true at first, it quickly becomes something bigger at Vivayic. There are no limitations. If you can show that you are excelling in an area of expertise, they allow you to keep diving deeper into that area and growing. You do not work with just one specific person all the time. They allow you to work with many people and grow your network. As you continue to read, you will see what our experience at Vivayic has been, how we have grown, and where we are currently.

Sierra: As an intern with Vivayic, you are given the opportunity to create an experience. An experience where you home in on values that encourage you to create excellent work while still caring for the partners and community that you are a part of. The beautiful part about being an intern with Vivayic is you are given full rein to create an experience that caters to the values and skills that you most wish to strengthen. For me, I wanted to grow in developing learning solutions that are both pertinent and effective. Since joining the team a little over a year ago, I have done just that. Often, when we think about the roles of an intern, we seem to think first about an individual who sends out correspondence, brings coffee, and staples paperwork. Yet, this team encourages interns to submerge themselves in the visions of clients and help directly with content that, in the end, will impact a community of people. We care so deeply about how our learning solutions impact others.

Taylor: Over the course of my time at Vivayic, my role has changed a lot. It started off small: working for two to three people tackling small tasks such as editing documents, proofreading, and previewing courses, etc. Working with a small group of people at first was exactly what I think was needed so that I did not feel overwhelmed. They allowed me to grow and taught me how to manage tasks efficiently. Over time, I began to work with more and more people in the company and really became more involved in different projects. I honestly can say I love working with everyone on this team. They are welcoming and make you feel involved and a part of something bigger than yourself. Now that I have worked a full year at Vivayic, I am tackling much bigger tasks such as building storyboards within PowerPoint, bringing them to life by creating courses within Storyline/Rise, and going through all the phases to get to the final product. I am now assigned to bigger projects and starting to hear more about how we work with clients and what that process looks like. Lastly, I am thrilled to learn more each day and build stronger relationships with people in our company.

As interns the three values that resonated with us the most are…
Number 1
Empathy: Our coworkers are very aware of where we are at and making sure that we meet expectations. Since they take time to invest in getting to know us as people, they understand what we are experiencing and consider what we can and can’t handle.
Number 2
Initiative: Our coworkers allow for us to have free range in tackling projects. They don’t always take you step-by-step through the process of working on tasks and, instead, give you freedom to brainstorm and tackle tasks in the most efficient way for you. This allows us to seek greater leadership roles.
Number 3
Cultivation: Our coworkers are constantly praising our successes. They allow us to feel more involved and not like just another basic intern. It is really exciting to work with people that are driven to invest in their communities.

The Inside Story Being an Intern at VivayicAs you can see, being an intern at Vivayic doesn’t look the same for everyone. Which is why we love Vivayic. It allows you to be you and figure out how you can contribute to the team so that we as company can continue to bring out the good in the world!

Emily Kueker
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