
Author name: Bailey Rami

Bailey Rami
Woman holding up several balloons

How Vivayic Improves My Happiness

Over the years, science has deepened our understanding of the different facets of happiness. We know that there are universal mood boosters such as fresh air, bright colors, laughter, and time spent with positive people. Recently, we’ve learned about the power happiness has over our immune system and chronic pain. But, what about giving? Sure, we know giving can increase our sense of purpose, but how does it affect our happiness?

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Audience applauding

Four Things I Learned in my First 24 hours With the Vivayic Team

“Wait, what?” This is a question I’ve been asked approximately 27 times by friends and family in the last week. On Monday, I was teaching Psychology of Human Relations at Lake Area Technical Institute; on Friday, I was traveling to Portland, Maine for my first Vivayic team meeting. When you leave a job you are profoundly passionate about for something completely different, people have questions.

Four Things I Learned in my First 24 hours With the Vivayic Team Read More »

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